Guy Earle

About Guy Earle

The name Guy means to “guide”. He embraces his gift with humility as he feels honored to be able to be a voice of encouragement to others as they seek to navigate through the trauma, pain, abuse, hurts, and confusion that we all face throughout our lifespan.

Guy is a seeker of truth, and firmly believes that TRUTH liberates the soul. As a young boy being bullied and not believing he was accepted. There was a deep passion within to find an inner acceptance and to put the locus of control on himself and not on those outside of himself.

As a young man he embarked on his journey to wholeness. This journey led him to study 3 major disciplines…SP IRITUALITY, RELATIONSHIPS & FAMILY SYSTEMS, and THE EMOTIONAL & MENTAL REALMS.

In the Spiritual realm he earned a Masters of Theology, In the Relationship & Family Systems he earned a Masters in Marriage & Family Counseling, and in the Emotional and Mental, he has completed a majority of the requirements in his course work as a Clinical Psychologist, and has evident based modalities in EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), Certified Practitioner in Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution, and Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming.


Guy Earle

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